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Ladle reduce oxygen content of the control measures have those?

作者:supman 来源: 日期:2012-2-9 19:15:02 人气: 标签:

 1 the proper choice of the refining slag series

 Will tell commonly, refining slag series is not only the requirement of deoxidizing, and desulfurization, adsorption inclusion and submerged arc slagging requirements. To reduce the oxygen content is concerned, improving slag alkalinity, can make the steel balance in oxygen drops, and can improve the sulfur in the steel slag distribution ratio, namely to deoxidizing and desulfurization, high basicity slag should first choice slag series, but refining slag alkalinity also can not be too big, if alkalinity is too big, such as greater than 5.0, refining slag get higher melting point, into slag slow, also can affect deoxidizing and desulfurization effect. Therefore, unfavorable use high basicity refining slag, practice shows that the basicity in refining residue control 2.5 ~ 3.0, with both good slag of deoxidizing desulphurization ability, and a good adsorption inclusion of ability, and submerged arc the effect is very good.

2 the ladle blow the control of argon

The role of argon gas mixing: one is to remove the steel of oxygen, 2 it is to play the role of the flotation of deoxidizing products, so as to achieve the purpose of removing.

 1) blow to the removal of argon oxygen

In smelting process, from the bottom of the bag air brick constantly argon gas blowing bubbles in liquid steel in the equivalent of a small vacuum chamber, with the continuous bubbles rise, stirring, molten steel, steel liquid oxygen will spread to the argon gas bubble, so as to achieve the effect of dissolved oxygen removal.

2) blow for inclusion of ladle argon removal

 Ladle blow argon conditions, solid phase inclusions in steel remove rely mainly on the small bubbles flotation function, or inclusion and small bubbles collision and adhesion in bubble walls and then with bubbles rise and remove. Inclusion is the probability of bubble captured is equal to the inclusion and bubbles P of the collision of the probability PC and collision inclusions in the adsorption of bubbles probability is the product of the PA.

 A study abroad, when solid particles and solution of the contact Angle is greater than 90 degrees, almost all of the bubbles to the surface can adhesion in particle bubble, and has nothing to do with the size of the contact Angle. When the contact Angle is less than 90 degrees, adhesion rate varies with contact Angle and reduce down sharply. Al2O3 and SiO2 and molten steel respectively the contact Angle of 144 degrees and 115 degrees, showed that they were not steel liquid wetting. Therefore, it is easy to adhere to the steel bubble. Thus steel of inclusion in the removal efficiency is mainly dependent on them and the bubble collision probability, and larger inclusions granules and bubbles of the collision of the probability far outweigh the small particles and the bubble collision probability [2].

In addition, inclusion is the probability of bubble capture is still determined by blowing bubbles of liquid steel quantity and size. Blowing bubbles, the greater the number size is small, the inclusion of the number of removing the more [3]. And blow the size of bubble mainly produce argon decided to blowing argon flow or blow argon strength. Blow the argon flow, blowing bubbles from the greater the size of the elements, so with low intensity blow argon (namely soft blow argon) and extend blow argon time to remove the inclusions, or use multiple blow air components and blow argon, can be in the purification of the limited time limit blow argon liquid steel blowing more small bubbles.

3) blow when inert argon ladle the protective atmosphere

Ladle refining process full blown argon, argon is an inert gas, density is more than air, it escaped from the molten steel will cover in the liquid steel surface, form protective atmosphere, prevent the liquid steel secondary oxidation, which can reduce the oxygen content in the molten steel.

3 the selection of refractories to oxygen content of the influence

Oxygen content in steel is part of the refractories into the liquid steel erosion, so the requirement refractories have better resistance to urgent cold urgent hot sex. Ladle refining general for intermittent operation, fluctuations in temperature, and the whole blow argon, to have a strong lining the flushing action. So demand fire-proof material with good high temperature strength.

4 in the content of steel AlS control

Steel in the oxygen content in the content of AlS has great influence, when AlS content control in 0.015%, with the increase of the content of AlS in steel, steel oxygen content in reduced not obvious, And when AlS content control in 0.030%, with the increase of the content of AlS in steel, steel oxygen content in basic without change. And when the steel al content of more than 0.030%, the aluminum and steel slag easily oxygen in union, also the reduced slag SiO2 and chemical compounds such as MnO, gathered in liquid steel of Al2O3 increase. High aluminum but also greatly increase in pouring liquid steel second oxidation, produce stay in in the finished with Al2O3, therefore, the amount in aluminum control 0.015% ~ 0.030% is more appropriate.
